The end outcomes a student is helped to reach

  • Believes that we are all divinely rooted in God and that each  has received a calling to make a contribution and to make a difference to life.

  • Having adopted several preventive health care practices, is able to maintain illness-free good health without the use of many pills and medicines.

  • Has developed both left and right brain competences so as to be creative, analytical, innovative and critical and has a scientific temper that raises questions and seeks answers to the many ambiguities in life.

  • Has discarded several superstitious beliefs and practices, having broken free of the prison walls of yesterday’s practices.

  • Appreciates the reality of abundance in the world and in our lives and has learned to connect and access these unlimited resources and so becomes thus enabled to do many deeds of light and extraordinary achievements in the area one is engaged in. 

  • Recognizes the great richness that diversities and differences have and are continuing to contribute to make today’s wonder world; discovers thatcooperation works much better than destructive competition and so learns to work well in a team and produce the magic of synergy, making 1+1= not 2 but 3 or 4 or more.

  • While remaining passionately engaged in one’s work and profession, remains also engaged in the pursuit of discovering the aadhar andspiritual foundations of life and living, seeking a personal answer to the question that seekers and saints of India had raised for thousands of years: Who am I?

  • Has developed a mindset that takes one out of one’s small personal circle of life in order to actively contribute to make that part of the world of which one is a part a better world.