2020 Vision: An Ignatian Examen of Jesuit Education for the 21st Century

 An Ignatian Examen of Jesuit Education for the 21st Century

2020 Vision: An Ignatian Examen of Jesuit Education for the 21st Century has been designed to facilitate, support and guide Jesuit high school educators in planning for the future. Obviously, things will change VERY FAST. Although many of these changes may not be totally predictable, Jesuit schools can prepare for the future by shaping their responses to current and emerging trends and challenges in the world, Church, South Asian society, and education. The workbook offers an approach to planning for change that draws its inspiration from the Ignatian “examen” in the Spiritual Exercises.

The Ignatian “examen” is a daily examination of conscience which requires honest evaluation of what one has done, what one is doing, and what more one is willing to do in the future for Christ. The dynamics of the Ignatian “examen” provide a framework for Jesuit high schools to assess what they have done, what they are doing, and what more they are willing to do in the future to fulfill their missions and achieve their educational goals.

This workbook contains four units to assist Jesuit high school educators in planning for the future. Unit One looks at the “changing contexts” as well as the significant trends in the world, Church, society, and education that will be impacting Jesuit schools. Unit Two suggests specific challenges that Jesuit high schools will need to address in planning for the future. Unit Three profiles the skills and traits of Ignatian leadership for Jesuit schools of the 21st century. Unit Four presents ways for Jesuit schools to discern future directions in implementing their 2020 vision of Jesuit education. The workbook concludes with an appendix of resources, exercises, and web links to assist schools with their planning processes.